HomeLifehacksCreating Your Own Natural Insecticides

Creating Your Own Natural Insecticides

Natural pesticides might be mineral-based, chemical-based, or biological. All three aim to eliminate, repel, or otherwise disrupt the harmful activities of insect pests.

Remember that just because these are “natural” or home-made pesticides, doesn’t mean that your garden, your soil, or you won’t be harmed by them hence be careful while using them.

Items needed for a natural insecticides

  • Hot peppers
  • Tomato leaves
  • Neem leaves
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Mint
  • Tobacco
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Wood ash
  • Water
  • Nonchemical soap
  • Strainer
  • Utensils for cutting and crushing peppers and neem leaves
  • Knife for cutting soap

Types/methods in preparing natural insecticides

Vegetable Oil Spray: When you’re ready to apply, add two teaspoons of the oil spray, mix with one quart of water, shake well, and spray directly on the plant surfaces that are being harmed by the pests. This makes a basic oil spray insecticide. To make it, combine one cup of vegetable oil with one tablespoon of soap. Cover and shake well.
Soap Spray: In order to create a simple soap spray insecticide, combine one and a half teaspoons of mild liquid soap (Castille soap works well because it is natural and gentle) with one quart of water. Then, spray the mixture directly onto the plant surfaces that are infected.
Neem Oil Spray: Use the directions on the bottle to apply neem oil as an insecticide, or start with a simple solution of two teaspoons neem oil and one teaspoon mild liquid detergent, shaken well with one quart of water, and sprayed on the leaves of the infected plants.
Garlic Spray: Puree two full garlic bulbs (not just two cloves) in a food processor or blender with a little water to create a basic garlic spray. After letting the mixture soak overnight, strain it into a quart jar and fill it with water, a half cup of optional vegetable oil, and a teaspoon of mild liquid detergent.
Chile Pepper Spray: One tablespoon of chili powder, one quart of water, and a few drops of mild liquid detergent can be used to make a simple pepper powder chile spray. Plants that are impacted by this can use this mixture at full strength on their leaves. Puree or blend 1/2 cup of fresh chili peppers with 1 cup of water to make chile spray; add 1/4 cup of water and bring to a boil. After allowing it to cool, sift away the chile material, add a few drops of liquid soap, and adjust the spray to your preference.
All-in-One Homemade Spray: One small onion and one garlic bulb should be pureed, then one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder should be added. Let it simmer for an hour. After straining the mixture, thoroughly combine it with one tablespoon of liquid soap. Apply full strength to the upper and bottom surfaces of the leaves with this homemade pesticide, and preserve any leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Tomato Leaf Spray: Chopped fresh tomato leaves (from the bottom of the plant) should equal about two cups. Add one quart of water to the mixture, and steep the leaves for a night to create a natural pesticide. After removing the plant material using a strainer, mist the foliage.

Method/procedure in using natural insecticide

Chop fifteen peppers finely, then add one liter of water. After a full day of steeping, strain and apply.

Brew of Onions. 4 cups of finely chopped onion should be added to 2 liters of water. After a full day of steeping, strain and apply. Fermented foods are best used.

Brew with Garlic. Half a cup of finely chopped garlic should be added to three-fourths of a liter of water. Apply to the plant and its surroundings after a 24-hour soak and straining.

To prepare a repellent, chop up fresh mint leaves and citrus peels, such as lemon or orange. Put the pieces in a small pan with water covering it and heat it until it boils. Apply after soaking for the entire night and water in the evening.

Fill a sturdy bucket that can withstand heat with one quart of tomato leaves. After covering the leaves with one quart of boiling water, soak the mixture for an hour. After that, pour the mixture through a cloth strainer, pressing out as much liquid as you can from the remaining leaf dregs. Before using, dilute the mixture with water.

By dehydrating them, a layer of wood ash applied a couple of times a week to the base of plants may deter slugs, snails, and other surface-feeding insects. Because wood ash is so tiny and granular, dusting it over some crops effectively discourages insects from chewing on food. But ash loses its deterrent qualities when it becomes wet. Constant ash use has the potential to raise the pH of the soil or build up salts to amounts that are toxic to plants.

Neem trees are widely distributed and a highly effective natural bioinsecticide. Almost 400 insect species, including common pests like moths, weevils, beetles, and leaf miners, are affected by neem extracts. Dry the leaves in the shade so that the sun’s UV rays do not degrade its main chemical ingredient, azadirachtin. Once the leaves have dried, crush them and combine a large amount of powder with ten liters of water. Give it a full day or two to steep. Pour through and use when watering in the evening.

Gliricidia’s capacity to fix nitrogen makes it an excellent tree for improving soil. Additionally, a pesticide that works on both chewing and burrowing insects can be obtained from its leaves.
Gliricidia can be used in two different ways. To protect plants, first gather leaves and lay them close by. Remove or leave as mulch as they get dry, then replace with fresh ones. Second, crush a good handful of leaves, mix them with a tiny bit of water, and let them soak for a whole day. Pour through and use when watering in the evening.

Nicotine, which is found in tobacco, has strong insecticidal properties. (Take caution—nicotine is toxic and can be fatal in high doses.) Aphids, cabbage worms, caterpillars, flea beetles, grain weevils, leaf miners, mites, stem borers, thrips, rust, some fungi, and leaf-curl virus are among the target organisms. Note: Avoid using this on potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, or eggplants. Dry and pound the leaves first. Mix one liter of water with twenty grams of tobacco, let it soak overnight, and use it when you water in the evening.

A soap spray needs to be put directly on the bug and covered completely for it to work. Aphids, caterpillars, lace bugs, leaf hoppers, mealy bugs, mites, liver worms, sawflies, scale crawlers, spittlebugs, springtails, thrips, and white flies are among the majority of soft-bodied insects and mites that are vulnerable to soap sprays. Grate two tablespoons of soap into one and a half liters of water. Use a handmade broom or a watering can to apply directly.

Breath of a Hillbilly: This DIY insecticide works well as a general-purpose repellent for a wide variety of insect pests. Combine some chopped mint, ash, garlic, tobacco, and a maximum of 1 tablespoon of soap in water. Use a homemade broom or watering can to apply the solution after it has been steeped for a full day and strained.

Beer Slugs are drawn to beer. Set a cup or saucer slightly below the soil’s surface and pour beer into it. If slugs manage to get inside the container, they will drown because they are unable to escape.

Things to avoid while using natural insecticide

  • Use utensils meant for extract processing that aren’t used to prepare food, drink, or hold boiling water. After each use, give every utensil a thorough cleaning.
  • When applying or preparing the crude extract, avoid coming into direct touch with it.
  • When leaving the extract overnight, make sure it’s out of children’s and indoor pets’ reach.
  • Before applying an extract, gather all of the fully ripe and mature fruits from any plant.
  • Before commencing large-scale spraying, always test the extract formulation on a small number of sick plants.
  • Put on safety gear when using the extract.
  • After handling the extract, wash your hands.

Source: www.Muzhchin.net

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