HomeLifestyleThe Future of Trucking: Autonomous Vehicles and Technology

The Future of Trucking: Autonomous Vehicles and Technology

One of the most crucial components of commerce all over the world is the trucking industry. It’s what helps ship the products from the manufacturers to the shippers and then into the hands of the customers. However, we’re currently on the precipice of experiencing a major shift in the trucking industry. 

With autonomous vehicles being developed, there has been talk about incorporating the new technology into the trucking industry. For instance, the latest announcement for Tesla talked about the CyberTruck. 

As you can already see traces of autonomous driving in Tesla’s other cars, it’s not too far-fetched to assume the CyberTruck might have it as well. But that’s not the focus of today’s discussion. 

Today, you’re going to find out how the future of trucking will look with the incorporation of new technologies and autonomous vehicles. Without any further ado, let’s get started. 

The Rise of Autonomous Vehicles

While Tesla is the first company that comes to mind for autonomous vehicles, it’s not the only one. Several companies are actively working on this project, like Waymo and Embark. They’re already working on machine learning models that will allow cars to drive accurately without needing any human assistance. 

If autonomous vehicles become the norm in the trucking industry, you can expect to see the efficiency go up manifold. These self-driving trucks can transport goods across the country faster and with fewer accidents. You can even expect to see intermodal trucking services adapting to this change soon enough. 

What Are the Benefits of Autonomous Trucks?

To understand the reason behind the sudden popularity of autonomous trucks, you need to understand the benefits that come from it. Have a look at those. 

Reduced Chances of Human Error

One of the main causes of accidents involving trucks is because of human error. Trucking is a tedious profession with long hours behind the wheel. However, once autonomous trucks start making an appearance in the industry, the rate of accidents will reduce greatly. 

24/7 Delivery Operation

As the trucks will be self-driven, they can deliver whenever the delivery company desires. They can program pick-up and drop-off points for their warehouses, where the trucks can automatically deliver the goods with very little help from a human being. 

An Environment-Friendly Alternative

To make this technology work, scientists will need to rely on electric vehicles that require no refueling. This, in turn, will also be better for the environment as a large portion of the global carbon emission comes from the trucking industry. 

Challenges with Self-Driving Trucks

While the news is mostly good, some challenges are preventing the full-scale launch of these autonomous trucks. New regulations will need to be created for these before that. Because in the event of an accident, who are you going to hold responsible? As software operates the whole thing, whose fault is it going to be?

The fear of job replacement is also a growing concern for these self-driving vehicles. Until the public perception of this new technology, launching it into the market is just going to result in chaos. 

To address these challenges and more like it, transparency is going to be the key element. All involved parties need to lay their cards on the table and work together to overcome these hurdles. 

Technological Innovations Other Than Autonomy

Self-driving cars aren’t the only innovation that’s going to hit the trucking industry in the future. The industry also relies on logistics to run a smooth and efficient operation. Artificial intelligence can do wonders in that field if done correctly. 

Companies can train AI models to efficiently manage logistics. They can also use it to optimize the delivery routes, saving precious time. AI models can also use predictive analytics to predict bad weather and come up with alternative routes for hassle-free delivery. 

Using IoT sensors to track deliveries is also going to become a normal thing. Deliveries can be tracked from the moment they leave the warehouse every step of the way. This also has applications for efficient repairs as the sensors will issue warnings about repairs ahead of time.

Environmental Sustainability

As mentioned before, most of these vehicles will run using batteries; they’re going to be better for the environment. With no carbon emission, the size of the carbon footprint generated every year from trucks around the world will reduce as well. 

Hydrogen-based fuels will also get more traction. These only release water as a by-product of the chemical reaction, making it an overall better option.

Building a Better Future

Improvements in the trucking industry have more implications than you might think. A lot of other sectors that rely on trucking services for their operations will also reap the benefits of the new technology. And although autonomous trucks might not be around for a while, once they get approved, there will be no stopping the growth of the global trucking industry. 

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